little helpers

helping [click to embiggen]

Are they helping? Or “helping”?


Mr Bugg is standing in front of a sink full of dishes, be-aproned and scrubbing a plate as though to the scullery born. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, is wearing a scarf and ironing something.

The text reads: “The Buggs are trying to clean up more to make you feel better.”


safety precautions

in motion [click to embiggen]

If Mrs Bugg had to stop taking extreme risks, she would die of boredom.


Mr Bugg is sitting sensibly on Fenris’ back, holding the leash like reins. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, is standing up, not holding on to anything, her arms in the air like she’s on a roller coaster, which may well be the case if Fenris spots a cat, another dog, a kid, or basically anything he’d really like to make friends with.

The text reads: “Mrs Bugg does not believe in remaining seated while Fenris is in motion.”


since you’ve been gone

missing you [click to embiggen]

I wonder where I was? Or had they gone somewhere?

Yes, I know this would be easier if I were caught up. Shut it, you.


The Buggs are smiling hugely, each with their arms in the air, apparently quite happy.

The text reads: “The buggs really missed you.”


it all worked out in the end

winners [click to embiggen]

Everyone’s a winner!


Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands. Hearts are spewing from their heads in a literal display of their love. Mr Bugg is wearing quite a nice jacket.

The text reads: “Febuggary 28, 2014: It worked. Mrs Bugg is in love with Mr Bugg, he didn’t get eaten, and he got the coat back.”


the day the earth moved

personal history [click to embiggen]

OK, listen, I wasn’t bullying, I was just painfully shy, and not very good at meeting people, especially cute boys. It was meant to be a compliment on his jacket, not an actual threat, jeez.


This is totally not the way it happened, but whatever: Mr Bugg is leaning over, tears pouring from his face, as Mrs Bugg triumphantly holds up a really nice jacket.

The text reads, in a blatant attempt to rewrite history, but whatever, “Febuggary 28, 1990: In a cruel display of bullying, Mrs Bugg takes Mr Bugg’s coat and lunch money by threatening to eat him at school. Mr Bugg has his revenge, first with an earthquake, then making her love him.”


buggcoaster of doooooom

buggcoaster of doom [click to embiggen]

I can’t remember, because this was ten million years ago, but I strongly suspect I’d just won some inexpensive K’Nex off ebay.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are kitted out in full construction-site gear: hard hats, and sturdy boots, with Mrs Bugg wielding a wrench while Mr Bugg reads the plans. I’m not sure why only Mrs Bugg got to wear overalls, but ok. In the background, girders and bits of stuff litter the ground, and a crane stands ready to assist.

The text reads: “Construction has begun on the buggcoaster of doom.”



mountain [click to embiggen]

Yeah, this shit’s from February. I am never gonna catch up, y’all.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are roped together, climbing up a mountain. Mrs Bugg is in the lead, holding onto the handle of the pickaxe she’s using to assist their climb, while Mr Bugg is waving happily.

The text reads: “The buggs decided to climb the mountain you have a view of. Then if you get sad you can look at the mountain and know they have set up surveillance there to watch you … in 3D.”



bedtime [click to embiggen]

Yeah, I go to bed early. I have to get up at Ridiculous O’Clock.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are sitting in theatre seats [N.B.: Where the hell are these seats? I mean, presumably somewhere in our bedroom, but I’ve never seen them and clearly there are several rows, and if the Buggs are big enough to carry a large dill pickle themselves, you’d think they’d be big enough to be seen … Also, if watching me read a book, then toss and turn for hours is their favorite thing to watch, I just … I give in.], wearing 3D glasses and sharing a bucket of popcorn … although they each have their own drink.

The text reads: “8:30 p.m. Time for the Bugg’s favorite show … Suriel going to Sleep … now in 3D.”



pickles [click to embiggen]

I do loves me some pickles, though, so it was OK.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are hoisting a gigantic green pickle above their heads.

The text reads: “The Buggs know a pickle is no replacement for your carrots, but Loki was sick and couldn’t get more on the way home from work.”


math is hard

math [click to embiggen]

True story: We have a wall in our bedroom with a triangular space behind it, where I thought we could build a cupboard or a hidden room or some shit, but I was trying to figure out the actual space, so I drew it out, wrote all the measurements I could get on the drawing, and then remembered that I suck at math and abandoned the note.

Apparently, this was taken as a challenge by the Buggs, and they did indeed solve it for me!

(We still haven’t built the cupboard.)


Mr and Mrs Bugg are shown in several vignettes: Holding large pencils and standing over a sheet of equations, tongues out in concentration as per usual; thinking hard, while employing the correct pose; and jumping up and down on the buttons of a calculator, which is frankly my favorite and made me laugh out loud, kind of a lot.

The text reads: “The Buggs want to thank you for giving them a math quest … they like mathing and learning geometry was fun.”



SWAK [click to embiggen]

With a kiss? Or with spit?


Mr Bugg is dressed as a postman, which in this case means he’s wearing a messenger bag and holding a letter, across whose flap the word “SWAK” is visible. Mrs Bugg has one hand on her hip, the other in the air, as if to say “Well, I’ll be damned!” Her expression is one of astonishment.

The text reads: “Febuggary 20, 1792: The Postal Service Act is signed by President Buggeorge Washington creating the Post Office, allowing buggs to send mash notes with SWAK on them.”


maybe the new ones aren’t ready yet

standard [click to embiggen]

Plus, it’s fun to revisit the good ones. Plus plus, it’s important to get all the use you can out of your outfits. I mean, look at Loki and I: spent time and money assembling the bits to cosplay as a Stargate team, and we’ve done it twice.

I mean, to spectacular effect both times, but still.

Not the end of the world to replay your favorites, is all I’m saying.


Mr Bugg is a stormtrooper, in the white plastic armor, while Mrs Bugg has, again, claimed the Jaffa outfit. She’s carrying her staff weapon, has sharpie’d the symbol of her god on her forehead and is staring right through you.

The text reads: “Yeah, even after working on outfits, Mrs Bugg insisted on the usual cosplay.”


down t’forge

cosplay [click to embiggen]

I cannot wait to see these outfits!


Mr and Mrs Bugg are concentrating on their cosplay: Mr Bugg is at a sewing machine, miles of fabric around him. His tongue is out in concentration, because one hand is winding the … spinny … thing … on the side of the machine, while his foot depresses the accelerator. Meanwhile, Mrs Bugg stands at an anvil, hammer raised high and preparing to strike something metal. I’d tell her about craft foam, but I think she enjoys smithing.

The text reads: “Hard at work making new outfits.”


missing her

tofubeast [click to embiggen]

I don’t remember what prompted this, but we’re six months on from this drawing and I still badly miss our Freya-boo.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands and waving, and they are wearing black armbands to indicate that they are still in mourning.

The text reads: “The Buggs miss Freya, too … but they always remember so many good things about her … other than she wouldn’t let them ride her.”


much less damaging

airsoft [click to embiggen]

I approve of this — provided they’re wearing goggles.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are once again on the rollercoasters whose tracks blow past one another. They are each in the only car of the train, each smiling hugely, each holding what looks to be an airsoft P90, each firing those suckers on full auto.

The text reads: “Mr Bugg talked Mrs Bugg into doing roller coaster combat with airsoft guns.”


personal protective equipment

ppe [click to embiggen]

Yeah, guess what’s in the news right now.


Me Bugg is kitted out in hockey gear: goalie mask, huge pads, a massive glove and a hockey bat. Why he’s wearing skates for rollercoaster jousting is anyone’s guess. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, is wearing American football paraphernalia: A bow-topped helmet, shoulder-, leg- and knee-pads, and cleats. She’s carrying a football, and her lance.

The text reads: “The Buggs realized that RollerCoaster Jousting requires protective hear and are ready to try again.”


contact sports

contact sports [click to embiggen]

I was right!


The Buggs stand before us, quite the worse for wear: Mr Bugg’s head is bandaged, he has a black eye, is missing several teeth, his right arm is in a cast, suspended in a sling, and his right leg is encased in plaster as well. He is balancing on a single crutch. Mrs Bugg also has a black eye and is balancing on a crutch, but she is missing her right arm and left leg altogether.

The text reads: “Roller coasters and contact sports don’t mix. Also, Mrs Bugg decided to grow new limbs rather than heal.”


not sports I’d have thought to combine

jousting vs roller coasters [click to embiggen]

This looks super painful.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are coming at each other, holding lances, except they’re not on horseback. They’re on rollercoasters whose tracks scream past one another, perfectly spaced to allow the combatants to joust. Why they should want to do this is anyone’s guess, but Mr Bugg has his tongue out in concentration.

The text reads: “Combining sports: Jousting vs Roller Coaster”


helpful notes, part two

WOOT [click to embiggen]

Y’know, bad day or good day, both sides of this note would make me smile.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are leaping joyously into the air. Mrs Bugg is clicking her booted heels.

The text reads: “WOOT”


simply buggs

simply buggs [click to embiggen]

<3 Transcript:

Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands, smiling and waving. All is right with the world.

The text reads: “JUST BUGGS.”