it’s on toast, dear

toast  [click to embiggen]

I think that was when I was going through my fairly-awful, ended-up-in-the-hospital, so-dehydrated-they-gave-me-four-liters-of-fluids-in-five-hours-holy-crap gastroenteritis episode.

It was not a happy time, but goddamn, the toast was good, and now I know why.

the end of the joke

the end of the joke  [click to embiggen]

According to Loki, the Buggs were also super-pissed they never got to hear the end of the joke.

This Reddit thread has some decent ideas, though.

mess with the bull

mess with the bull  [click to embiggen]

Mrs Bugg has just mouthed “Stop!” and is looking sort of astonished at herself that she cares so much whether Mr Bugg gets detention. It’s a revelatory moment.

dance moves

buggfast club [click to embiggen]

I fucking love that the Buggs chose one of the most awesome three seconds in cinematic history to re-create.

It’s not a patch on the Captain Crunch scene, mind you, but it’s right up there.

(We’re not going to talk about the fact that the girl bugg on the left has only one leg. I’m sure she’s sick of talking about it.)

love the brandenbuggs

brandenugg [click to embiggen]

Oh, man. I love love LOVE the Brandenbugg Concertos.

And how cute is Mr Bugg, sitting at that grand piano? His posture is impeccable. Mrs Bugg’s clasped hands and heart-spewing head are the icing on the cake.

they’re totally bugg players

bugg players [click to embiggen]

There are so many excellent lines in that movie, I’m surprised the Buggs were able to pick just one to re-enact.

Also: my love for cleated shoes continues unabated.

yay for regeneration

minimal injuries  [click to embiggen]

So they’ve got that going for them … which is nice.

jumping love

more jumping [click to embiggen]

Seriously, you guys, THE JUMPING.

I mean, look at how joyous they look! How can that fail to make one happy? I shall tell you: IT CANNOT.

plum blossom love

plum blossom [click to embiggen]

It’s amazing, the happiness a jumping bugg gives me.

Also, at a buck a bottle, that plum blossom soap was a smoking deal.

that dog loves him some lasers

laaaazors [click to embiggen]

No seriously. He even got his own automated laser for Christmas from friends of ours, which was kind of the most awesome thing ever.

those are some sweet moves

dancing [click to embiggen]

How adorable are those Buggs? I will tell you: ALL OF THE ADORABLE.


stand by my 11 [click to embiggen]

You guys, Mr Bugg’s expression is SO FUCKING SAD. You can tell he’s just writhing in his sleep, probably whimpering as well.

It’s only a nightmare, Mr Bugg. It’ll be ok.

before the firehose

stand by me 16 [click to embiggen]

I, for one, am quite glad they didn’t do the end of that scene, although from the looks of it, Mrs Bugg is going to do it whether we’re watching or not.


Mrs Bugg, grinning hugely, and hugely bloated, sits at a long table. To her left, looking seriously sad, is Mr Bugg. To his left are ranged three other buggs, including one with a killer Amish-style beard, one with a bow tie and one wearing overalls. They all sit with their hands behind them. In front of each of them on the cloth-covered table is a pie.

The text reads: “Stand By Me: Scene 16, Pie Eating Contest. Just the start, not the end. … Guess what Mrs Bugg ate to get ready. Mr Bugg read ahead in the script.”


staff weapon?

stand by me 36 [click to embiggen]

I am pretty sure that’s not what happened in the film, but I have no problem with Mrs Bugg’s interpretation.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are confronted by a group of four bugg thugs. You can tell they’re thugs because one is wearing a leather jacket and smoking. Mrs Bugg, who takes no one’s shit, ever, and isn’t starting now, has drawn from a secret pocket somewhere a huge Jaffa staff weapon, and is pointing the business end at the thugs.

The text reads: “Stand By Me: Scene 36: When the bully biggs showed up Mrs Bugg pulled out the staff weapon.”



stand by me 31 [click to embiggen]



In what is possibly the ickiest bugg drawing to date, Mr and Mrs Bugg, continuing their re-enactment of Stand By Me, are confronted by a huge, rearing leech, its gaping mouth encircled by razor-sharp teeth, obviously intent on doing them grave harm. Mr and Mrs Bugg, their bedrolls hanging unregarded, have thrown up their arms in horror and are probably about to sprint right the fuck out of there, because ARGH ARGH ARGH.

The text reads: “Stand By Me: Scene 31: Did you know that leeches are bugg sized?!?!?”


probably not what he said at all

chopper [click to embiggen]



Mr and Mrs Bugg are still carrying their bedrolls, but are now sprinting for a distant fence, as a huge, fierce-looking tofubeast is hot on their heels.

The text reads: “Sick buggs, Chopper!”


stand by me

stand by me [click to embiggen]

How much do I love this? I love their bedrolls, I love their improv, using the K’nex rollercoaster in place of the train tracks, but above all, that they liked one of my favorite movies.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands, walking along the train roller coaster tracks. They each have a bedroll slung over a shoulder, and Mrs Bugg is pointing ahead to something interesting.

The text reads: “The Buggs enjoyed “Stand By Me” so much, they decided to walk the roller coaster tracks and find a place to camp … they brought cigs for after dinner.”


sometimes he doesn’t get the memo

canteen again [click to embiggen]

Or he is deliberately trolling the Star Wars fandom, take your pick.


Mrs Bugg is dolled up in a full-on Chewbacca get-up, including the bandolier and crossbow. You better believe she has not forgotten her bow and boots. Mr Bugg, however? Mr Bugg is rocking the first-gen Star Trek outfit, science officer, to be precise, along with the pointy ears of Mr Spock. He is making the live-long-and-prosper gesture.

The text reads: “Taking some time to eat at the Death Star Canteen. Please ignore Mr Bugg’s outfit.”



vikings [click to embiggen]

Oh, man, right? It’s a surprisingly good show.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are cosplaying as vikings, to celebrate the second season of the show: Mr Bugg is wearing a horned helmet, and carrying a round shield and short sword, while Mrs Bugg is in full-on shieldmaiden kit of round shield and wicked axe. The bow and boots go without saying.

The text reads: “The Buggs are really enjoying watching Vikings with you.”


oh, it’s on, all right

hold on [click to embiggen]

Dude, she didn’t even need to grab the reins if she wanted to go fast; she just had to wait for three seconds, until Fenris realized he was close to the spot where he saw a kid/cat/dog that one time, and bolted.


Mr Bugg is sitting on Fenris’ back, holding onto the hair with one hand and waving to get Mrs Bugg’s attention. He is looking a bit worried. Mrs Bugg is still standing, but she has grabbed the leash/reins and is probably screaming at Fenris to go faster, encouragement he does not require.

The text reads: “Mrs Bugg has grabbed the reins on Fenris … now it’s on.”