
True story: Loki puts jellybeans in my PB&Js — except this one time.

mystery ingredient

tune in tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!


Ahh, the first post about His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Wolfgang von Schnitzelberg! it was kind of a bad scene for a while, ngl. if I’d known he was a puppy … well, we still probably would’ve taken him. 


heart eyes, motherfucker


Spoiler alert: we did not go see Death Hex. Alas.

apple shenanigans

for those just tuning in, Loki makes my lunch every night. the buggs help. apparently the right fruit means a late-night dance number in the kitchen.

butt stuff

Fenris was our dog, btw.

apple and sake ceremony

new cosplays

I love my cosplaying buggs.

jazz hands apples

those were dark times


but not, like, *doffs hat* m’lady.

interpretive dance

common hazards

oh, I ken, all right



I wouldn’t dream of questioning that.

forza 4

You guys, Forza 4 was my game. I have a killer Fanatec wheel-and-pedals setup, and when I was unemployed I played so much I was in the top 10% in the world for circuit races and a couple other categories. it was SO MUCH FUN and I am deeply saddened that my wheel isn’t compatible with the Xbox One. I am also sad that I don’t have nearly the time for gaming that I used to, but I’m glad the Buggs are enjoying my game!

chosen family