
tramway [click to embiggen]

I love how the Buggs will just reach right past the actual meaning to find whatever loose connection will allow them to cosplay the thing they want to cosplay.

On the other hand, Dr. Bugg Who is pretty cool, so I can’t really blame them.


compubugg [click to embiggen]

You guys, I actually worked at a job where we had a a CompuServ account (oh, and a modem whose speed was measured in bytes — not even kilobytes, just … bytes). Well, I say “we” — the modem was connected to my computer, and I basically hogged all of it: the BBSes, music news and trivia quizzes — oh, and one of our phone lines.

Ahhhh, memories. Kids these days will never know that sound.


emotibuggs [click to embiggen]

Oh, sure, we start with colon-dash-close-parens, and one day soon, a governing body will vote on a poop emoji. These are the end times.


battlebuggs [click to embiggen]

There is not one single thing about this that is not awesome. The horned helmet. The ankh-emblazoned shield. The ENORMOUS greatsword. The woad, the tartan, the huge head of red hair.


there are always buggs in

buggnix [click to embiggen]

And we would not have it any other way!

rabid fans

any excuse [click to embiggen]

And why not? It’s basically awesome, am I right?


italian university

first years [click to embiggen]

What else could it possibly mean?

buggs are doing it for themselves

diy cosplay [click to embiggen]

Sewing, that is, and at lightning speeds! Why, you could whip together outfits for an entire herd of Stormtroopers in the time it would have taken you to make one Ewok suit before!

get in the tardis

get in the tardis [click to embiggen]

That must have been the week the new season started? I can’t really remember it; therefore, it must have been a killer party.

guns a-blazin’

shadowrunners [click to embiggen]

I’m not sure what archetype Mr Bugg is playing here, with both the Barrett sniper rifle and a grenade launcher, but I’m sure he’s going to have loads of fun with it, from a safe distance. Mrs Bugg, on the other hand, looks ready for some close combat. She’ll gut yer as soon as look at yer, chummer.

old skool cybugs

old skool cybugs [click to embiggen]

Having not watched the original BattleBuggstar Galactica, I do not cling to the old-style Cylon design, but I am pretty sure the Buggs appreciate all Cylon styles.

massively multi-bugg

MmBORPG [click to embiggen]

Oh, Buggs! The things that are in store for you! Sometimes I miss those heady days.

a worthy achievement

cosplay [click to embiggen]

Cosplay is the cornerstone of awesome.

no one expects nutmeg

spice rack [click to embiggen]

I swear to gods that’s a spice rack.


bugterfly wonderland

bugterfly wonderland [click to embiggen]

We are pretty big fans of Butterfly Wonderland, but I can’t help but wonder if the Buggs may be a little jealous?

Or maybe they just like making huge wings. I’m ok with that.

we’re gonna need a bigger bugg

jaws [click to embiggen]

Continuing our “Awesome theme songs” series, feast your eyes upon this fantastic Shark Terrorizing Fisherbugg scene.

buckle that swash

she's got the whip [click to embiggen]

Mrs Bugg is just adventurous as fuck, isn’t she? You’d think Mr Bugg would be used to it by now.

with a great big swirl

buggate [click to embiggen]

That you step inside, to another world*!

* which we may or may not sing as the credits roll whenever we watch Stargate.**
** OK, yeah, we totally do.

theme song

theme song  [click to embiggen]

That’s a good one, Buggs!

are you Mr Stevens? Head of Catering?

because it's hot [click to embiggen]

Look, pasta all’arrabiata is hot, that’s all I’m saying.