

start collecting




stargates for all


action figures


run for the gate, screaming and firing behind you


using bugg-point energy


winders 3


exploring pegasus

exploring pegasus [click to embiggen]

Again, super jealous. Also: LOVE LOVE LOVE Mrs Bugg dual-wielding the P90s.

I ship it

daniel and vala [click to embiggen]

Fucking love Daniel and Vala. And that outfit of Vala’s! That is totally the first Vala figure I got, because hot damn.

way to go, SBugg1

replicators [click to embiggen]

Because energy weapons don’t work on replicators!

that reminds me

RepliMrsBugg [click to embiggen]

I totally want the RepliCarter action figure for our Stargate display.

wonder why

not lantean [click to embiggen]

Those outfits are totally not Lantean, guys. They’re super cool, though, so well done!

(Should I make a “juice box” tag? LOVE the juice boxen.)

der waffle haus

der waffle haus [click to embiggen]

YOU GUYS. I love Der Waffle Haus SO MUCH. I mean, come on. It was in both SG-1 and Dead Like Me, what’s not to like?

yeah, screw the system lords

rise up [click to embiggen]

And there will be a lot of Ba’als, so well done for getting all of them.

stargate and the trousers of time

alternate timeline [click to embiggen]

Alternate Daniel and Carter are an especial favorite of mine.

three hundred

300 [click to embiggen]

Yeah, that’s a pretty good film to cosplay. I mean, what do you need? A cape, a shield, some sort of pointy stick and leather undies, right?