costume quest 2

costume quest [click to embiggen]

We are huge fans of Costume Quest in this household, and were so stoked for Costume Quest 2. So very, very stoked.


underwear [click to embiggen]

I would give anything to remember what this underwear deal is all about. Trying madly to catch up so this happens less!

black panties

black panties [click to embiggen]

I just … what?


genesis [click to embiggen]

A momentous day! I had no idea what was coming, but I was pretty happy, all the same.

polbuggish mash notes

polbugg postal [click to embiggen]

Sending mash notes is an important part of everyone’s lives, including those in Polbugg.

flip a coin, maybe?

hench [click to embiggen]

I guess the Buggs just choose violence?

return to the cosplay

back to cosplay [click to embiggen]

Mrs Bugg looks pretty fierce with those daggers! Mr Bugg’s flintlock pistol would probably aerate her nicely from a distance, though.

possibly a cold, possibly ebola

sickly [click to embiggen]

Again, this was half a year or more ago, so I remember no context, but I’m guessing Loki was ill.

only missing the parrot this time

buggbeard [click to embiggen]

However, an acceptable alternative to the parrot, the lovely red frock coat, is an excellent substitution. Throw a tricorn hat in there, and you are golden.

an excellent choice

pegleg [click to embiggen]

When presented with no good options, always choose something that involves (a) weaponry; (b) wooden legs; (c) parrots; and/or (d) great big bushy beards.

A combination of all four of those? SUPERIOR.


plunder [click to embiggen]

No worries, Buggs. I know from the excitement of new countries to plunder.


choke [click to embiggen]

Fun fact: I no longer work for a horrible human being, nor do I have to spent 90 minutes in the car every day for the privilege of being in an abusive work relationship! Life is ever so much better now.


at midnight [click to embiggen]

Yeah, I just bet they do. Looks like they’re well set up with scoreboards and buzzers, so they’ve got nearly everything they need. Now they just need a host, and someone to film them and put the results up on BuggTube, and they’re golden.

walkin’ in the rain

rainy walkies [click to embiggen]

What’s not to love? Too bad it doesn’t rain that often in the desert.


yoga [click to embiggen]

Yes, yoga would probably be better than poking each other with cleaning implements!

it’s a stretch

stretch [click to embiggen]

I do not wish to know why a broomstick is necessary.


workout [click to embiggen]

OK, WTF is it with Mrs Bugg and the 80s Jazzercise outfits?

On the plus side, at least no one is cosplaying that dude from the P90x videos. I hated that guy.

long weekend

long weekend [click to embiggen]

Aaaaand, once again, I’m so far behind I haven’t got the slightest clue what this is about.

No worries, though, Buggs! I love whatever quantity of drawings I get.

you are afraid of my heat

voice of mo [click to embiggen]

Yep, it’s our family favorite, Agador Spartacus!