I’ve seen trouble all my days

soggy bottom buggs [click to embiggen]


We shall not even speak of the deadly cute of the overalls, ok?

tartan awesomeness

robert the brugg  [click to embiggen]

Continuing our theme of UNBELIEVABLE CUTENESS, Mrs Bugg’s great big bushy beard is just side-splitting, as is her giant, bigger-than-she-is greatsword. Mr Bugg with his spiffy crown, ankh sceptre and wee short sword of pointiness are just an extra helping of awesome. Like sprinkles on ice cream.

amish beards appear to be A Thing this week

buggles at the university [click to embiggen]

Because, of course, in the Buggs’ minds, all universities are magical.

Also: That beard. Hold me.

before the firehose

stand by me 16 [click to embiggen]

I, for one, am quite glad they didn’t do the end of that scene, although from the looks of it, Mrs Bugg is going to do it whether we’re watching or not.


Mrs Bugg, grinning hugely, and hugely bloated, sits at a long table. To her left, looking seriously sad, is Mr Bugg. To his left are ranged three other buggs, including one with a killer Amish-style beard, one with a bow tie and one wearing overalls. They all sit with their hands behind them. In front of each of them on the cloth-covered table is a pie.

The text reads: “Stand By Me: Scene 16, Pie Eating Contest. Just the start, not the end. … Guess what Mrs Bugg ate to get ready. Mr Bugg read ahead in the script.”


the final official word on thanksbugging

official official thanksbugging [click to embiggen]

Until people started arguing about the menu, that is.

Sage and onion stuffing all the way!


Mr Bugg is holding a platter full of tofurkbugg out to Mrs Bugg who is rocking the full-on Abuggham Lincoln: black vest and trousers, funky beard and of course the stovepipe hat … which has a bow, of course.

The text reads: “Novembug 26, 1963: Abuggham Lincoln proclaims the final Thursbugg of Novembug to be Thanksbugging.”



bugbeard [click to embiggen]

Can I just say right now that I’m glad they didn’t re-enact the beheading and/or the tying of Bugbeard’s head to Maynard’s ship? Because ew.


Mr Bugg is cosplaying as a Royal Navy captain, waving a flintlock pistol and grinning hugely. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, is rocking a peg leg and a huge beard, waving a cutlass which was apparently not enough to stop another cutlass being poked into her chest. A bloodstain is spreading across her chest, and she looks sad that her life of profitable piracy is coming to an end.

The text reads: “Bugvember 22, 1718: Bugbeard the pirate is killed off the coast of North Buggalina.”




That’s some superior pirate cosplay there, guys! I should get them a good galleon to go plundering in.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are in full pirate regalia. Mr Bugg has cut off a leg and inserted a peg leg, and is waving a cutlass and a musket while a parrot sits on his shoulder. Oh, and he’s wearing an eyepatch. Meanwhile, Mrs Bugg is wearing a killer tricorn hat with the skull and bones on it. She’s cut off one of her hands and replaced with with a hook, and is also waving a cutlass. She’s also sporting a great big bushy beard, which we know she likes.

The text reads: “Adn … Buggs with props. Arrrrgghh … Capt. Pointy and GrapeBeard.”


any excuse to wear the peg-leg

piratey buggs

I wonder if they fight over who gets the parrot & who gets the peg leg?


Mr and Mrs Bugg are both cosplaying pirates: Mr Bugg with a patch over one eye and a parrot on his shoulder, Mrs Bugg with a huge beard and a peg leg. They are both waving a cutlass and a flintlock pistol and smiling.

The text reads: “Arrrgghh … the pirates Black Blade and Buggbeard say Hi!”


bearded lady

more beards

I … didn’t know Mrs Bugg had to shave. Also: that is some seriously impressive foliage, for only a few days’ growth.


Mr Bugg’s hands are in front of his face, his eyes and mouth huge and round in an expression of complete and utter shock, because he’s looking at Mrs Bugg, who is sporting a gigantic beard, of which Darwin would be ever so proud.

The text reads: “Mrs Bugg decided not to shave for a few days to see what it’s like to have “A GREAT BIG BUSHY BEARD.”




You guys, I laughed for days over the great big bushy beard.


Mr Bugg is cosplaying as Charles Darwin, a fact easily ascertainable from his gigantic white beard and clipboard. He is observing how buggs evolved from a tiny speck, to a slightly larger bugg, to a much larger bugg, to a tofubeast, to Mrs Bugg.

The text reads: “Bugust 2, 1858: Charles Bugwin publishes his theory of bugvolution … that Buggs evolve from lower bugg forms.”