sir buggcis

sir buggcis [click to embiggen]

I like how the ceremony was held at the docks. Like the actual boat needed to be part of it or something.

Seems legit.

we’re moving to guam

guam [click to embiggen]

What an exciting time for all concerned!


Mr Bugg stands at the prow of a large sailing ship, anchored about ten feet away from a small tropical island, which prompts the question, why is looking through a telescope? The answer: To better see Mrs Bugg, not overly dressed in a bra made of coconut halves and a micro-mini skirt made of the local vegetation, along with boots and bow, as per usual.

The text reads: “Buggarch 6, 1521: Ferdinand Buggellan arrives in Guam.”


just living there doesn’t count

new buggland [click to embiggen]

Everyone knows you can’t get credit for discovering the place you already live in. Psh.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are at the prow of a sailing ship. Mrs Bugg is holding a spyglass to her eye and looking upon a wee island with two palm trees sprouting from it, while Mr Bugg is throwing up his arms in triumph.

The text reads: “Febuggary 27, 1700: The Island of New Buggland is discovered.”


here comes the murderer!

columbugg [click to embiggen]

Actually, I’m not sure if Columbugg was the horrible person that Columbus was, but probably.


Mrs Bugg is an adorable native girl, with grass skirt, bra made of coconut halves, and a bow with arrow already nocked and ready. Behind her is dense, jungly undergrowth studded by palm trees. In front of her, Mr Bugg has just come ashore from his galleon, anchored just offshore of a tropical island. He is wearing a pith helmet, and waving a … musket? Yes, let’s go with that … and a short sword. Not pictured: STDs, tendency to enslave native populations, thievery and rape.

The text reads: “Decembugg 5, 1492: Christopher Columbugg becomes the first Eurobugg to set foot on Hisbugnialo.”




I hope they saw bats and interesting rock formations and stalagmites and heard silly cave stories. That’s what I’d hope for if I were exploring a cave!


Mr and Mrs Bugg are wearing headlamps and carrying pickaxes as they approach the dark mouth of a cave, clearly about to embark upon high adventure.

The text reads: “The Buggs are going to explore a cave.”




The text doesn’t say, but I’m guessing Mrs Bugg was at that moment planning her pillaging-and-killing-her-own-men schedule.


Mrs Bugg plants a flag in the beach, while offshore, her ship and crew await. A bugg is in the crow’s nest, probably hiding.

The text reads: “Baugust 6, 1538: Bugotà is founded … by Buggs.”


the upper buggwest


So I have a fairly crappy day job, complete with hateful boss and heaping helpings of daily stress, but it all fades to the background upon the sight of Mrs Bugg with a bow-topepd feather on her head, and Mr Bugg in a coonskin cap.


Mrs Bugg is in her Native American outfit, which is basically a feather on her head, topped by her bow. She is paddling a canoe through rough waters. Mr Bugg is in the bow of the canoe, one foot propped on the bow in accepted explorer fashion, one hand on his hip and the other shading his eyes as he scans the river ahead. A coonskin cap is his concession to the explorer trope.

The text reads: “Buggly 2, 1679: Buggapeons first visit Buggasota and find the headwaters of the Buggiggippia River, in an expedition led by Daniel Greybugg de DuBugg.”


eminent domain

nova buggia

Apparently, the Bugg and Stripes was actually in use two hundred years earlier!


Mrs Bugg plants a triumphant flag on a beach, while Mr Bugg stands behind her with a sword, prepared to defend her against any pesky natives that might object to their land being so summarily claimed. A ship (with antennnae, natch) rides at anchor just offshore.

The text reads: “Junebugg 17, 1579: Sir Francis Buggke claims a land he calls Nova Buggia (modern Calibuggia) for Buggland.”


perils of exploration

capt cook

The Buggs seem quite handy. Why can’t they just build a figurehead to attach to their boats, so Mrs Bugg doesn’t have to be tied to the front, to be drenched in spray and no doubt badly jolted when they inevitably run aground?

Just sayin’.


Mr Bugg captains a lovely double-masted sailing ship, but he has thrown up his arms in dismay, as the ship has run aground no a jagged outcrop. Mrs Bugg, lashed to the prow, is also waving her arms, although whether in consternation or celebration that she’s finally back over dry land may never be known.

The text reads: “Junebugg 11, 1770: Buggish explorer Bugg Cook runs aground on the Great Buggerier Reef.”


the great Bugg explorers


I love that the boat has sails and oars, and the giant spyglass, and the pirates and ninjas. Really the whole thing is awesome.


A female bugg stands in the bow of a ship, looking through a huge spyglass, while a male bugg rows the ship. The ship is flying the Buggland flag (two buggs, ensmiled, on a field of a color we will never know, because the pictures are always in black and white), and features two square sails on a single mast.

The text reads: “Munch 22, 1508: Bugglandigo Vespucci becomes chief navigator of the Bugg nation navy. She will later discover the new colony of Buggland, named after her. She also fought pirates and ninjas.”


Dr Livingbugg, I presume

Dr Livingbugg, I presume

There’s nothing the the Buggs love more than going on safari, apparently. Also, why they can’t get another buggaphant to carry their stuff so no one has to be the sherpa, I will never know.


Mrs Bugg is carry luggage above her hear, while Mr Bugg rides a buggaphant. He is using binoculars to scout the jungle ahead.

The text reads: “Munch 21, 1871: Journalist Henry Bugg Stanley begins his trek to find explorer David Livingbuggstone … in Buggobuggoland. No buggophants were harmed during this adventure.”


“do they have a flag?”

ferdinand buggellan

Ah, eminent domain in Buggland. Also flags.


A tall ship waits offshore as a bugg plants a flag on the beach. He’s clearly quite happy, waving to the camera (artist?).

The text reads: Munch 6th, 682 : “Ferdinand Buggellan lands on Buggnam. The natives are powerless to stop him from claiming the island as they do not have a flag.”