
tasbuggia [click to embiggen]

Five bucks says Mrs Bugg fell over after she stopped spinning.

have a cigar

cigar [click to embiggen]

Also, that is one scary beard Mrs Bugg is rocking.

survey says

surveying [click to embiggen]

I guess I never knew that orange safety vests existed in the 18th century.

The more you know!


dizzy [click to embiggen]

Because those ships were lightning fast, let me tell you what.


faithful [click to embiggen]

And apparently, it did a great job on everything but woolens!


pirogue [click to embiggen]

So I guess now they’ve been officially expelled?

Nice concertina, Mrs Bugg! You are well on your way to inventing chank-a-chank.

vasco de buggama

vasco de buggama [click to embiggen]

Funny, I don’t remember him having a pirate hat. Ah, hell, let’s just run with it.

Also: Mrs Bugg as the ship’s figurehead, YAY!


bugghiti [click to embiggen]

Yeah, he was looking at the island. Riiiiiight.

calibuggia dreamin’

calibuggia [click to embiggen]

Nice platemail, Mr Bugg! Did you fear armed resistance from Mrs Bugg in her grass skirt and coconut bra?

the first Florida Man

florida [click to embiggen]

Well, the first non-native one, anyway. I strongly suspect it’s the non-native Florida Men who get up to all the ridiculous shit.

travel diary : day one

pyrabuggs  [click to embiggen]

Ahhh, starting at the beginning and working forward, then?

Also: I love the sphinx. Bugginx? WHATEVER, IT IS ADORABLE.


travelogue [click to embiggen]

I can’t wait to see where they go! I should find out if they’re on Instagram.

the buggle

the buggle [click to embiggen]

So I’m just going to fall over dead here, ok? Mr Bugg’s Darwin with his GREAT BIG BUSHY BEARD plus Mrs Bugg’s thumbs-up figurehead is KILLING ME FROM THE CUTE.


passssporrrrrt [click to embiggen]

And this one is in Liz’s voice.

(Also, did anyone have cognitive dissonance realizing that Liz is President Roslin? I know my mind was a little blown, although I couldn’t really tell you why.)

BACK TO THE MATTER AT HAND: I wonder if I could get away with making those faces in my passport pic?

into the unknown

lewis and bugg [click to embiggen]

I totally can’t remember why Lewis (or is it Bugg?) is looking so sad whilst holding what is possibly a map. Maybe it’s a bad map? Maybe it’s a good map and Bugg (or is it Lewis?) is ignoring him? WE MAY NEVER KNOW. Unless Loki enlightens us in the comments.

In any event: YAY Mrs Bugg as Sacagawea!

jamaica, mon

jamaica mon [click to embiggen]

I’m choosing to believe that his shock is down to someone wearing a bikini top and grass skirt with black leather boots. Because seriously.

go forth!

columbugg [click to embiggen]

Cross the globe and decimate whole civilizations! And bring back all their good shit!


just living there doesn’t count, part two

buggany bay [click to embiggen]

Also: Mrs Bugg as ship’s figurehead, part one million!

the prequel

bugner party [click to embiggen]

Remember this pic?

This is apparently how one of the party looked before they set off. And I see she’s taken the precaution of packing an extra-large knife-and-fork set.

This is not suspicious at all.

where live scantily-clad women, apparently

buggellan [click to embiggen]

May I point out that in addition to her coconut bra & grass skirt, Mrs Bugg is still rocking the boots?