
spacewalk [click to embiggen]

Man, those early buggmonauts and astrobuggs were crazy-brave. I can’t even IMAGINE how scary that must have been.

always a cause for celebration

celebratory marshmallows [click to embiggen]

Heretics taste like marshmallows.

The more you know!

the bugg prince

duke [click to embiggen]

So the first duchy in Engbugg? And presumably the start of names that take ten minutes to say, when you start throwing in all the titles. I wonder if he was “Blackboard Monitor” too?

this is a bugnex system. I know this.

bugnex [click to embiggen]

Trufax: My first computer was an early *nix flavor. This meant nothing to me at the time, and did not stop me playing Ultima on it.

I love that the Buggs love stuff like this too. I mean, look at their expressions! They’re stoked. As well they should be.


gusher [click to embiggen]

Drawings like this have the power to erase all manner of shitty days at work: the hard hats, the overalls, the huge wrenches, the work boots HOLY CRAP SO CUTE, but especially the knowledge that jelly beans come from wells as well as mines.

pluto, get it

pluto, get it [click to embiggen]

The Buggs are clearly twelve years old.

Also: Yep, I was right. Totally magical university.

they are never going to not find that funny

uranus ... again [click to embiggen]

Also, I’m guessing the cloaks are because they’re at university?

Mr Bugg’s expression, though. DYING.

amish beards appear to be A Thing this week

buggles at the university [click to embiggen]

Because, of course, in the Buggs’ minds, all universities are magical.

Also: That beard. Hold me.

the cookies are the best part

cookies [click to embiggen]


I mean, yeah, leadership and life skills and shit, but come on. THE COOKIES.

the saints

canonization [click to embiggen]

I love how their halos are stuck to their heads with sticks. Also, I really wish I could remember what they’re holding in their hands.

Also also: Is canonization the same as angelification? Let’s go with YES.

Lovely wings, though!


siege [click to embiggen]

Once again, Mrs Bugg goes for the historically-inaccurate weaponry. You can have her staff weapon when you pry it from her cold, dead hands … and probably not even then, given the Buggs’ legendary regenerative powers.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand outside a city, whose wall encircles their iconic Coliseum. Mr Bugg is dressed in a kinging getup: Crown, sword and shield, while Mrs Bugg is presumably his personal bodyguard. She is wielding an anachronistic Jaffa staff weapon, but no one will be so foolish as to point this out to her.

The text reads: “Buggarch 12, 538: Vitbugges, King of the Ostrobuggoths, ends his siege of Rome.”


the buggxy

buggxy [click to embiggen]

Oh, you guys. SO MUCH LOVE for this one.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand outside a nightclub, holding hands and waving. There is a bouncer with a clipboard, checking the buggs in line: I’m guessing they either have to have a ticket, or be on the guest list, because, according to the huge marquee above the doors behind the bouncer, “***** Sold out Tonight only RELIBUGRY“.

The text reads: “Buggarch 11, 1927: In New Bugg City, Samuel Buggxy opens the Buggxy Theatre.”



bugelleto [click to embiggen]

And this is what happens when I scan the drawings out of order. Otherwise, I would have known that March 11 was apparently Verdi’s favorite day on which to premiere operas?


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand again on a large, curved, footlighted stage. This time, Mr Bugg sports huge, lovely angel wings, while Mrs Bugg is the full-on Valkyrie, also for some reason with wings, but with the de rigeur horned helmet, spear and round shield.

The text reads: “Buggarch 11, 1851: The first performance of Bugelleto by BugGiuseppe Verdi.”


don buglos

don buglos [click to embiggen]

I … I kind of have no idea what’s going on here.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on a large, curved, footlighted stage. Mr Bugg is dressed as a king, complete with huge crown and regal cape. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, for reasons best known to herself, is dressed as the Phanbugg of the Opera.

The text reads: “Buggarch 11, 1867: The first performance of Don Buglos by BugGuiseppe Verdi. He liked the date.”


show you something, indeed

telebugg [click to embiggen]

There is no possible way he wants to show her anything innocent, you mark my words.


Mr Bugg holds an old-fashioned two-piece telephonebugg to his face, a huge grin on his face. Two rooms away, Mrs Bugg holds a similar telebugg to her ear and mouth. She looks dubious.

The text reads: “Buggarch 10, 1876: Alexander Graham Bugg makes the first telebugg call by saying ‘Mrs Bugg, come here, I want to show you something.'”


forn legion

forn legion [click to embiggen]

I hear intensive weapons training is a great way to forget your sad love affair.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand in front of a large fort. They are wearing the classic Foreign Legion hats and carrying large rifles. In the background, a column of buggs marches into the fort.

The text reads: “Buggarch 10, 1831: The Buggrench Foreign Legion is formed. A fun way to see the world on behalf of a new country … and weapon training.”

remember the buggamo!

buggamo [click to embiggen]

Poor Buggxans. Not only did they lose, but in a hundred years’ time, people will be peeing on it.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are both holding old-fashioned rifles, their eyes big Xs of death. Mr Bugg is wearing a coonskin cap, while Mrs Bugg is wearing some sort of weird bow and her usual boots.

The text reads: “Buggarch 6, 1836: Battle of the Buggamo. The Buggxan dedenders all die, including Bugg Crockett and Jim Buggwie.”


la cage

buggrin tablets [click to embiggen]

We are huge fans of Agador Spartacus in this house.


Mr Bugg is dolled up in a frilly black apron. He is leaning forwards, proffering to Mrs Bugg a silver salver on which rests a bottle of tablets. Mrs Bugg, for her part, has a hand pressed to her forehead in a gesture of either a grand headache, or goth-girl forlornness; let’s go with the former, shall we?

The text reads: “Buggarch 6, 1899: Buggyar register buggrin tablets as a trademark. Maids and housekeepers begin to scratch out the first few lettst to tell housewives that they are actually drugs.”


fair use

fair use [click to embiggen]

And there was much rejoicing!


Mr and Mrs Bugg are leaping joyfully into the air, their arms raised in delight and triumph.

The text reads: “Buggarch 7, 1994: Copyright law, the BSA Supreme Court rules that parodies are fair use … making it possible for bugg notes on your lunch.”


oh, buggpoleon

buggpoleon's jaffa [click to embiggen]

I shouldn’t act disdainful. I love the Jaffa thing, and it is never, ever going to get old.


Mr Bugg is dressed as Buggpoleon Bonapart (Buggapart?) in his Buggpoleon hat, wearing a nice military jacket. His left hand is tucked between buttons, as per tradition. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, is rocking the thousand-yard stare of a First Prime, heavily armored, with the symbol of her god on her head, her staff weapon at the ready, and ranks of Jaffa warriors behind her.

The text reads: “Buggarch 7, 1799: Buggpoleon captures Jaffa, hoping to gain many warriors … Yeah, did this last year, but it is awesome.”