giant steps are what you take

walking on the moon  [click to embiggen]

How exciting that must have been!


perfect [click to embiggen]

How glorious for her!

happiest place

happiest place  [click to embiggen]

I know how much the Buggs love Bugsneyland. All hail the Matterhorn!


buggnotes [click to embiggen]

I wonder how long it took people to be ok with money that didn’t jingle? What a strange concept, that we totally take for granted now — except now money’s even more abstract: paychecks direct deposited, goods paid for with debit cards. How much money do we earn and spend without ever seeing it in physical form?

Money’s a dream, and here’s where it started.

ancient limericks

buggsetta [click to embiggen]

Did ancient Buggypt even have a town called Nantucket?


quartered [click to embiggen]

Honestly, Buggs? It’s better that you don’t know what quartering is. Because ew.

quatorze juillet

buggstille [click to embiggen]

I don’t remember a battering ram, but it would probably be hard to cosplay forty thousand empty muskets, so let’s run with it.

… pun not intended. Let’s run with that, too!

buggy the kidd

buggy the kidd [click to embiggen]

Apparently Mr The Kidd was not fast enough on the draw.

Also, I see Mr and Mrs Bugg have used the classic tropes of white hat vs black hat (with matching vests!). Good call, Buggs!

donkey bugg

donkey bugg [click to embiggen]

One of the greats!

Not a patch on Tempest, mind you, but right up there.


bugglantis [click to embiggen]

Hands up everyone who’s bummed that the shuttle program was discontinued.

Yeah, me too.

vasco de buggama

vasco de buggama [click to embiggen]

Funny, I don’t remember him having a pirate hat. Ah, hell, let’s just run with it.

Also: Mrs Bugg as the ship’s figurehead, YAY!

rosbugg incident

rosbugg [click to embiggen]

OK, Mr Bugg, I’m pretty sure the alien from Roswellbugg was a little-grey-man type, not a Spock type. I mean, it’s a great look and all, but I’m pretty sure it’s not right.


sliced bread [click to embiggen]

Mr Bugg looks so sad! Does he not know that he can solve the problem presented by that huge loaf with a serrated knife?


redesbugwire [click to embiggen]

“C’mon”, says Mrs Bugg, whistling innocently. “Gallop your huge war horse at me. I am totally not going to raise this BIG-ASS POINTY STICK at the last moment, impaling your horse and hurling you into my ranks of bad-ass, woad-painted berzerkers, who will hack your ass to bits and probably eat the remains. TOTALLY NOT GOING TO DO THAT.”


smores [click to embiggen]

Left that a little late, didn’t you, French justice system?

totally understandable mistake

cylon [click to embiggen]

Look, I know this is the perfect candidate for the “reading comprehension” tag, but dammit, that Cylon cosplay is THE BUSINESS.

it’s beginning to look a lot like Buggmas

buggmas [click to embiggen]

Let’s put the Bugg back in Buggmas, ok? Reason for the season, people.


transport  [click to embiggen]

Poor buggs! I hope the law helped.

little bugghorn

little bugghorn [click to embiggen]

Poor, foolish Custer. Can’t help but think he got what was coming to him.


ratification [click to embiggen]

All the Buggs knew about this one was they would get to use scrolls and quills, an instant winner.