the dominabug republic

take this boat to Cuba

it’s better in the bugghamas

yeah, he “discovers” it

coincidence? we think not

it’s not legal without a flag

flags are powerful


guarding the boats


florida bugg


exploring pegasus

exploring pegasus [click to embiggen]

Again, super jealous. Also: LOVE LOVE LOVE Mrs Bugg dual-wielding the P90s.

go forth, young buggle

go forth young buggle [click to embiggen]

Hey, check it out — for once, Mrs Bugg is not playing the part of the ship’s figurehead! I’m guessing she called dibs on the beard.

come to Buggmaica, mon

columbugg [click to embiggen]

“Please don’t enslave us or give us diseases, though, ok?”

but which galaxy?

honeymoon [click to embiggen]

And do they need extra power to dial the eight or ninth chevrons?

no more exploring for Buggellan

buggellan [click to embiggen]

He is an ex-explorer. He is exploring with the explorers invisible.

(Mrs Bugg looks WAY too happy about this drawing — like one of those hunters posing with their kill.)


buggsiana [click to embiggen]

And soon the place will be overrun with Cajuns. Yay for poboys and crawfish etouffee!

of course he brought a flag

southron buggs [click to embiggen]

Those are some srs bsns boots Mrs Bugg is rocking. I hope Mr Bugg’s feet aren’t too cold.

like manga for buggs

buggarmanga [click to embiggen]

I’m just guessing here.


haiti [click to embiggen]

Am I the only one who loves the fact that “topless” translates to “leave off the stripes”?

I hope not.

go west, young bugg

go west [click to embiggen]

Pioneer buggs were super brave.