
lebugoland [click to embiggen]

We wanted to go the last time we were in Calibuggia, but it costs about three million american dollars per person, not including food, so we skipped it.

that is totally how it works, buggs

subway [click to embiggen]

I imagine that the use of public transport would greatly increase if that were true.

happiest place

happiest place  [click to embiggen]

I know how much the Buggs love Bugsneyland. All hail the Matterhorn!

totally understandable mistake

cylon [click to embiggen]

Look, I know this is the perfect candidate for the “reading comprehension” tag, but dammit, that Cylon cosplay is THE BUSINESS.

switchbugg railway

rollercoaster [click to embiggen]

Wait, is there any other purpose for rollercoasters?

(Aside from this one, of course.)

planting seeds

seeds [click to embiggen]

You guys, jelly beans are, like, the miracle candy: they grow on trees, they’re found in mines, and you can plant them like vegetables!

Or perhaps not, and that’s why they have the rollercoaster backup plan.


traaaaaain [click to embiggen]

You’ll just have to imagine Wil Wheaton screaming in slow-mo, which, I am certain, is what was playing on repeat in their heads the whole time.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are hanging by their hands from the underside of the top of the rollercoaster loop, their bedrolls dangling, tongues out in concentration and stress, because apparently they don’t realize they can just ask Loki not to launch the rollercoaster car? Whatever, it’s their fantasy / cosplay / re-enactment.

The text reads: “Continuing the “Stand by Me” theme, the buggs are hoping they can make it through the loop before the next train.”


stand by me

stand by me [click to embiggen]

How much do I love this? I love their bedrolls, I love their improv, using the K’nex rollercoaster in place of the train tracks, but above all, that they liked one of my favorite movies.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands, walking along the train roller coaster tracks. They each have a bedroll slung over a shoulder, and Mrs Bugg is pointing ahead to something interesting.

The text reads: “The Buggs enjoyed “Stand By Me” so much, they decided to walk the roller coaster tracks and find a place to camp … they brought cigs for after dinner.”


buggcoaster of doooooom

buggcoaster of doom [click to embiggen]

I can’t remember, because this was ten million years ago, but I strongly suspect I’d just won some inexpensive K’Nex off ebay.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are kitted out in full construction-site gear: hard hats, and sturdy boots, with Mrs Bugg wielding a wrench while Mr Bugg reads the plans. I’m not sure why only Mrs Bugg got to wear overalls, but ok. In the background, girders and bits of stuff litter the ground, and a crane stands ready to assist.

The text reads: “Construction has begun on the buggcoaster of doom.”


much less damaging

airsoft [click to embiggen]

I approve of this — provided they’re wearing goggles.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are once again on the rollercoasters whose tracks blow past one another. They are each in the only car of the train, each smiling hugely, each holding what looks to be an airsoft P90, each firing those suckers on full auto.

The text reads: “Mr Bugg talked Mrs Bugg into doing roller coaster combat with airsoft guns.”


personal protective equipment

ppe [click to embiggen]

Yeah, guess what’s in the news right now.


Me Bugg is kitted out in hockey gear: goalie mask, huge pads, a massive glove and a hockey bat. Why he’s wearing skates for rollercoaster jousting is anyone’s guess. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, is wearing American football paraphernalia: A bow-topped helmet, shoulder-, leg- and knee-pads, and cleats. She’s carrying a football, and her lance.

The text reads: “The Buggs realized that RollerCoaster Jousting requires protective hear and are ready to try again.”


contact sports

contact sports [click to embiggen]

I was right!


The Buggs stand before us, quite the worse for wear: Mr Bugg’s head is bandaged, he has a black eye, is missing several teeth, his right arm is in a cast, suspended in a sling, and his right leg is encased in plaster as well. He is balancing on a single crutch. Mrs Bugg also has a black eye and is balancing on a crutch, but she is missing her right arm and left leg altogether.

The text reads: “Roller coasters and contact sports don’t mix. Also, Mrs Bugg decided to grow new limbs rather than heal.”


not sports I’d have thought to combine

jousting vs roller coasters [click to embiggen]

This looks super painful.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are coming at each other, holding lances, except they’re not on horseback. They’re on rollercoasters whose tracks scream past one another, perfectly spaced to allow the combatants to joust. Why they should want to do this is anyone’s guess, but Mr Bugg has his tongue out in concentration.

The text reads: “Combining sports: Jousting vs Roller Coaster”


the bugg version

bugg version [click to embiggen]

I guess there’s no Buggvard Munch in the bugg world?


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on either side of the pre-stolen painting. It depicts two buggs in the solitary car of a train on a wooden rollercoaster in the midst of its run. It has already been through the big drop and a loop. The buggs in the car have their arms up and their mouths are wide in silent screams, no doubt at the scary bits yet to come.

The text reads: “Febuggary 12, 1994: The most famous bugg painting, “The Scream” is stolen.”


safety measures

switch off [click to embiggen]

Alternatively, Buggs, you could just only ride while Loki supervises, so he can turn off the coaster when you’ve had enough.

Call me crazy.


The Buggs look quite unwell: Mr Bugg is grasping his stomach while swirlies of dizziness and nausea float above his head. Mrs Bugg is equally dizzy, but is attempting, for reasons unknown, to walk, and it shows in both the swirlies above her head and the stagger of her stride. In the background is the architect of their doom, a large, loopy, curvy K’nex roller coaster.

The text reads: “The buggs think we need to add a wireless off switch to the roller coaster. They were using a stick to turn it off as they went by, but dropped it last night.”


osha violation

coaster [click to embiggen]

I’m pretty sure there are safety regulations that prohibit naked rollercoaster building.


The Buggs sit in the front car of a long roller coaster train in the middle of its run. In the background, we see a track with exciting loops and curves.

The text reads: TThe buggs have been going over the new roller coaster instructions and think we need to build these things so they can ride them … and you should do it nekid.


buggs always survive

sepbuku [click to embiggen]

What was the 47th doing? I bet his phone had died, so he didn’t get the text.


Mr Bugg is plunging a large knife into his gut, an expression of agony on his face. His eyes are the Xs of imminent death. Behind him, more buggs are doing the same thing. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, is standing with a large sword held high, possibly playing the part of the 47th ronin, who appears to be some sort of icky coxswain or cheerleader or gameshow host? I just do not even know.

The text reads: “Febuggary 4, 1703: In Ebugg (now Tokbugyo), 46 of the 47 Ronin commit sepbuku … the bugg version lets the survive to go to Disnbug World.”


another holiday

coaster [click to embiggen]

I’m glad the Buggs share Loki’s and my love of the coaster!


Mr and Mrs Bugg sit in a single roller coaster car, midway through a ride that has included precipitous drops and a loop-the-loop. They both have their arms up and are screaming their heads off. The car bears the symbol they use on nearly everything.

The text reads: “Janubug 20, 1885: L.A. Buggson patents the rollercoaster. It is now an international Bugg holiday.”


there could still be blood


Look, just because there’s no blood in this drawing doesn’t mean there won’t be.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are in the front car of a roller coaster in the midst of its run. There is a corkscrew loop behind them, and clearly something exciting coming up, as they both have their arms above their heads and their mouths wide open in the traditional roller coaster scream.

The text reads: “So the buggs went to Buggnyland!”


the happiest place in buggland


Seriously, it is all about the Matterhorn for these guys.


Mr Bugg is wearing mouse ears and waving … a pennant? A golf club? I just do not even know. Anyway, he’s holding hands with Mrs Bugg, also rocking some bow-topped mouse ears. In the background, a roller coaster winds around, and sometimes through, a flag-topped Matterhorn-shaped mountain, the buggs aboard no doubt screaming their heads off.

The text reads: “Buggly 17, 1955: Buggneyland is dedicated and opened by Walt Buggney.”