you ain’t nothin’ but a hound corndog


we love Joan Jett in this household


sgt. bugper


musical theatre



ode to joy [click to embiggen]

If Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony were ever an opera, Buggs, I kind of don’t think it would involve stabbing. Because ODE TO JOY.

do your art

do your art [click to embiggen]

I was pretty sure she meant Mr Bugg’s music, but ok.

letters für elise

letters fur elise [click to embiggen]

I wouldn’t dream of pointing out their error. In fact, I am just going to die right here because Mr Bugg as Robert and Mrs Bugg as Gallup MELTS MY VERY FUCKING SOUL.

not that Das Ich

das ich [click to embiggen]

THAT Das Ich put on one of the best shows I’ve ever seen in my life, in a grubby little bar in Tempe. I had goosebumps for just about the entire set. Fantastisch!


popstars [click to embiggen]

Not only could you be pop stars, Buggs, but you could be THE BEST POPSTARS EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER.

strange fruit

strange fruit [click to embiggen]

Bugg music is weird, y’all.


buggpop [click to embiggen]

Loki’s unabashed loved of Jpop and Kpop has brought us to this. Clearly the Buggs support his love, and were probably only too happy to dress up and fart on cue!

bad breakup

breakup [click to embiggen]

She looks really sad about it, but it seems to have been inevitable.

first symphony

first symphony [click to embiggen]

Mrs Bugg is so cute when she blushes.

sleeping in

sleeping in [click to embiggen]

Can you blame them? Sleeping in is glorious.


drafted [click to embiggen]

Don’t worry, Mrs Bugg — he comes back safely.


brandenbug [click to embiggen]

My favorite! The Buggs know me so well.


dylan [click to embiggen]

Not a huge fan of Mr Dylan, but he’s been a big influence on music ever since, so …

violin concerto

violin concerto [click to embiggen]

I do believe this is the Buggs’ first violin! Although I rather suspect they chose this even because it happened in Leipzbug.

jake and elwood

jake and elwood [click to embiggen]

I am not gonna lie: The Blues Brothers is a very important film in my world. Not least because it’s set against a fantastic backdrop of blues and what it can be like to be in a band, but mostly because I’m from Chicago and Chicago is practically the third star of the movie.

Also, it contains the best example of what happens in Chicago all the time: Where people in the street randomly start to dance. True story. We all learn group choreography in PE, and we’re not supposed to tell anyone, but I like you guys, so.

ANYWAY. I love that the Buggs got to watch this, and I love even more that they are cosplaying the brothers. SO MUCH LOVE.

backing band

backing band [click to embiggen]

I bet those outfits are super-easy to make.