and now, the footbugg edition

hall of fame footbugg edition [click to embiggen]

THOSE OUTFITS. Unbearably cute.

hall of famers

hall of fame [click to embiggen]

YAY for cleats.

the raven

the raven [click to embiggen]

How much do we love Edbugg Allen Poe, Buggs?


no one can stand against those berets

defeat [click to embiggen]

I mean, look at Mrs Bugg. Fearsome, right?


lebuggo [click to embiggen]

Minifigs didn’t come along until twenty years later, but I appreciate that it’s hard to cosplay a rectangle.

the end of the weed dance

no more weed dance [click to embiggen]

It was probably not a good idea to set themselves on fire in the first place.


argo [click to embiggen]

Up until the last couple minutes, it was a great film.

light bugg

light bugg [click to embiggen]

Mrs Bugg is way brighter than I thought.

sunday, buggy sunday

sunday buggy sunday [click to embiggen]

Like, I get the Jaffa getup — it’s Mrs Bugg’s go-to outfit for any kind of warrior she can’t immediately picture — but I’m at a loss to explain the Rambo-esque bandanna.

(I also want to know why my browser recognizes “Rambo” as a word, but not “esque”. WTAF, Chrome.)

malaprop worms

worms [click to embiggen]

Could have sworn I had a tag for malapropisms.

(Is it still a malapropism if it’s the same word, but used incorrectly?)

that bugg is smokin’

smokin [click to embiggen]

Apparently even the bugg world tries to legislate away womens’ bodily autonomy.


after the affair

bugcards [click to embiggen]

If I had to make a guess, I’d say it’s because their slogan wasn’t snappy enough.

the anabugtists

buggtize [click to embiggen]

Why. WHY would you use ice water to baptize bugtize people?

festival of bugg dance

festival [click to embiggen]

Guys, I totally danced with you. Eight o’clock, day one.

Love the fancy outfits, though.

tighty whities

tighty whities [click to embiggen]

Thus inflicting a most horrifying item of clothing upon an unsuspecting world.

neon lights

neon [click to embiggen]

Yay neon!

the first part of the tragedy

buggaust [click to embiggen]

Note to Buggs: Not all operas are Phantom of the Opera.

Just sayin’.

Buggy’ll never go away

hello buggy [click to embiggen]

True fact: WordPress is installed with a plugin that will display a quote from Hello Dolly Buggy at the top of your admin page. Every single time I see it, I think of the Buggs doing Wall-E cosplay =)

tilting at windmills

tilting at windmills [click to embiggen]

At least the book fared better than the film?