
underdog [click to embiggen]

I’m not sure what the good cause was, but holy crap, do they both look awful.

I’m digging Mrs Bugg’s sport bra, though. Thank you, Brandi Chastain, for paving that road for her.

buggversity of london

buggversity of london [click to embiggen]

Maybe it’s like a DBA?

Also, I wish I could remember why Mrs Bugg is afraid of a broom requirement. I’m catching up too slowly :\


buggerymandering [click to embiggen]

Politics are super messed-up everywhere, Buggs. What’s your solution, if not not general elections and democracy?

(That came out “demoncracy” at first. I’d be interested to see what that means as a political solution.)

society of buddies

society of buddies [click to embiggen]

We can totally be friends, Buggs, and yeah, that shit needed to stop like whoa. Happily, it did.

(Now to address institutional racism, because JFC.)

gold record

gold record [click to embiggen]

That is a lot of people listening to a song about a choo-choo train.

texbug tech

texbug tech [click to embiggen]

Go Bugg Raiders!


ybwca [click to embiggen]

The Buggs will never pass up a chance to contort themselves into letter shapes.

buggrey friars

buggrey friars [click to embiggen]

As opposed to the vote for Bugtish Independence, which turned out to be much less bloody.


return [click to embiggen]

Well done, astrobuggs of Abugglo 14! Well done, indeed.

red scare

red scare [click to embiggen]

McCarthy was a huge dick.


volleybugg [click to embiggen]

The first summer I lived in the desert, we played volleybugg every Sunday in the blazing heat.

I … kind of don’t remember how we did that, because it was a proper hot summer, with temps well over 100°F. How am I still alive?

bugtish suffrage

bugtish suffrage [click to embiggen]

Reminder of why this is A Thing.

third and fourteenth of his name

buggadotte [click to embiggen]

I guess there was a BOGO on?

end of the ronbug

end of the ronbug [click to embiggen]

Apparently Mrs Bugg didn’t get the memo, or was held up in traffic or some shit.

entertaining the troops

ubso [click to embiggen]

This was a great idea.

the day the music died

the day the music died [click to embiggen]

That was a dreadful, dreadful day.

bugg forrest

bugg forrest [click to embiggen]

The Buggs love the university this-day-in-histories because wizards.

and introducing …

debut [click to embiggen]

Yay for the Tramp!

(OK, this wasn’t the first actual Tramp film, but still. He wore the outfit & everything.)

groundbuggs day

groundbuggs day [click to embiggen]

But the big question is, will Buggxsutanny Phil see his shadow?

super bugg

super bugg [click to embiggen]

Not to be confused with super bugs.