
blasphemy [click to embiggen]

Trust the Buggs to throw a Monty Python reference in there.

buggtholic u

buggtholic u [click to embiggen]

Does the Pope play Quidditch in the woods?


lhama [click to embiggen]

Mr Bugg looks so serene. I can’t wait until he gets on Twitter and starts saying lovely things to the world.


buggery [click to embiggen]

Look, what two consenting buggs do in the privacy of their own homes is no concern of yours.

excuse me

excuse me [click to embiggen]

The Buggs can never pass up an Eddie Izzard reference!

this is heresy

heretic [click to embiggen]

Bonus points if you now have the Christian Death song running through your head.


our lady of pez

pez [click to embiggen]

Pez, paz. Tomato, tomahto.

knights buglar

knights buglar [click to embiggen]

More marshmallows for everyone!

the puritans were messed up

witchy [click to embiggen]

Because seriously. What a bunch of religious assholes.

our bugg of peace

cathedral [click to embiggen]

Nice outfits, guys!

fear and surprise

inquisition [click to embiggen]

Add to their main weapons of fear and surprise: “intimidating moustachios!”

no one expects nutmeg

spice rack [click to embiggen]

I swear to gods that’s a spice rack.


bugcadiana, home of the ragin’ bugjins

bugcadiana [click to embiggen]

That right there is Mrs Bugg in a pirogue — pronounced pee-row. The Bugjins did not travel to Acadibuggiana in pirogues, but Loki will never, ever get over my joke of singing “I’m on a pirogue heading for the sea”. instead of “I’m on a B-road heading for the sea” because my version is funnier.


witchy [click to embiggen]

Man, witch trials were a cacophony of ridiculousness.

why not a bucket

mah bucket [click to embiggen]

Seems legit to me.

(OK, Dept. of Backstory re: the bucket: We were at the movies with friends several years ago, and when we came out of the theatre, we were standing around in the dimly lit park-like area outside, talking about what to do next. I wasn’t paying much attention to the discussion, because, in the man-made stream running through the park was a small child, standing in the water, with a blue plastic bucket on his head, over his eyes and everything.

“Why does that child have a bucket on his head?” I asked.

Our friends burst out laughing, thinking it was some sort of whackass nonsequitur.*

“No, really. Look.” I pointed. They looked. The laughter reached epic proportions. And so did “Why does that child have a bucket on his head?” passed into legend, and became a byword for inexplicable yet actual Things That Happened.

*Those are not entirely unprecedented, mind you.)

in bugg we trust

coinage [click to embiggen]

So if Mr Bugg is on one side of the coin, and Mrs Bugg is on the other, which side is heads and which is tails? HOW CAN WE POSSIBLY RESOLVE DILEMMAS WITH THIS COIN?

… unless it’s two different coins, I guess?

diet of worms

diet of worms [click to embiggen]

To reflect on how awful it would be to eat worms all the time, I bet.

Also, Mrs Bugg’s mask is terrifying.

don’t hate on science, Tennessee

anti-science  [click to embiggen]

Because heaven forfend someone might have a different, evidence-based view of the world, that conflicts with what your invisible skydaddy was said to have said, in a book badly-translated ten thousand times and from which you already pick and choose like some sort of fucking religious buffet. I’m looking at you, shrimp-eaters, beard-shavers, and polyester-wearers.

(Re: the drawing, I loves me some evolution-of-Bugg stuff, and the perspective making their hands look like huge Mickey Mouse hands. BUT SERIOUSLY STOP HATING ON SCIENCE, PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.)

papal headgear: your source for all that is weird

tiara [click to embiggen]
