San Dibuggo State

SDSU [click to embiggen]

Looks like Mrs Bugg was sorted into Slyterin!

In related news, I’m writing this on September 2nd, and yesterday, my Twitter and Tumblr feeds were full of Hogwarts goodness, including this awesome pic of the Departures board at Kings Cross station :


sailing to buggzantium

constantinobuggle [click to embiggen]

Yep, cribbing Yeats for that title, and nodding at Guy Gavriel Kay‘s sublime Sarantine Mosaic.

In other news, I’m stoked that Mrs Bugg has managed to get her books on an e-reader, a good fifteen or sixteen centuries before their invention, so well done, Mrs Bugg!

michibuggan state

michibuggan state [click to embiggen]

Can you blame her? I’ve got hundreds of books on mine, and it is the most awesome thing ever in the history of ever.

buggversity of london

buggversity of london [click to embiggen]

Maybe it’s like a DBA?

Also, I wish I could remember why Mrs Bugg is afraid of a broom requirement. I’m catching up too slowly :\

texbug tech

texbug tech [click to embiggen]

Go Bugg Raiders!

bugg forrest

bugg forrest [click to embiggen]

The Buggs love the university this-day-in-histories because wizards.


bugtessori [click to embiggen]

Apparently not just universities have quidditch teams?

buggnog riot

buggnog riot [click to embiggen]

Man, you just do not fuck with drunk sailors, I guess.

oh, to be in bugglina

bugglina [click to embiggen]

… in the moooooooorning.

heisbugg trophy

heisbugg [click to embiggen]

What we have here is the glorious intersection of cleats, university and wizards, with a bonus in the form of that name. Buggwanger, I ask you.

buggtholic u

buggtholic u [click to embiggen]

Does the Pope play Quidditch in the woods?

leipzbug quidditch is my favorite

leipzbug [click to embiggen]

Because Wave-Bugtik-Treffen, of course.

ameribug buggball

buggball [click to embiggen]

So this was apparently the first official intercollegiate buggball game. Before that, it was just like back-alley dance-off style buggball.


santa [click to embiggen]

I would explain once more about reading comprehension, but those hats are too cute.

ivy league

princebug [click to embiggen]

Because all sport is better with broomsticks.

bugg ten

stanbugg [click to embiggen]

Dude, if there was a Bugg Ten Quidditch cable channel, I would subscribe to that in a heartbeat.

live sports

live sports [click to embiggen]

We shall not focus on the footbugg (of which I am not a fan); instead, we shall focus on the adorable wee cleats. Because they are adorable.

where the required uniform includes a fez

ameribugg school [click to embiggen]

Does it get any cooler than that? I submit to you: It does not.

italian university

first years [click to embiggen]

What else could it possibly mean?

a great day for word nerds

bugxford [click to embiggen]

Because it won’t be long before we’ll have the definitive B.E.D.!

OK, it’ll be nearly 700 years. BUT STILL.

In the meantime, please enjoy this depiction of a great university.