their quidditch team rules

more wizarding universities [click to embiggen]

Looks like their castle is quite cool, too!

university of buggster

buggster [click to embiggen]

Five bucks says they did this one so they could (a) use their wizarding cosplay, but more importantly, (2) so they could use the üüüümlauts.

St Bugg’s

st buggs [click to embiggen]

Look, I don’t care what you say, all colleges at Cambridgebugg are St Cedd’s.


many happinesses

hardvard [click to embiggen]

I love: the broomstick; the wizarding university thing; the bow on the pointy hat; but most of all, the fact that they’re holding hands. Hand-holding buggs are a big happiness for me.


wizardry  [click to embiggen]

It will never get old for me that all universities in the bugg world are wizarding schools.

(Clearly, bugg-world universities don’t prevent first-years from bringing their brooms. Or maybe these are second-years. Or maybe I think about this sort of thing too much.)

amish beards appear to be A Thing this week

buggles at the university [click to embiggen]

Because, of course, in the Buggs’ minds, all universities are magical.

Also: That beard. Hold me.

where they invented the hail buggy?

notre bugg [click to embiggen]

It’s a reasonable assumption for someone who knows nothing about buggball, I think.


Mr Bugg is wearing the cassock and ankh-emblazoned and -topped tall hat of a bishop, and is carrying a huge ankh in case you were in any doubt he’s a priest. Mrs Bugg, meanwhile, is rocking the shoulder pads and insufficient leather helmet of an early buggball player, her jersey sporting the double-zero that Mr Bugg normally gets. Her feet are encleated and her arms and legs have arranged themselves into the approved “holding the buggball and sprinting for the end zone” pose.

The text reads: “Novembug 26, 1842: The University of Notre Bugg is founded.”




Not gonna lie, that totally looks like a fort. An evil, antennae’d fort.

Also, the only reason I got this one without looking it up is thanks to the Anne books. Haters to the left, if you please.


Mrs Bugg is wearing a cap and gown and waving a rolled diploma in front of an imposing building, all turrets and gothic doorways and antennae. Mr Bugg and a couple of other buggs stand to one side, arms raised in celebration.

The text reads: “Buggtober 16, 1841: Mrsbugg’s University is founded in Mrbuggstown, Canabugg.”