how to eat fried worms


So we have (a), Mrs Bugg with her bow-topped executioner’s mask, (2) a bewigged judge, and (d) OMG WORMS.

Also: Is there anything creepier than Mrs Bugg’s smile behind her mask? I’m kinda thinking no.


A smiling judge in a curly powdered wig is waving his gavel, while a gleeful Mrs Bugg, rocking a fetching My Little Executioner cosplay outfit, waves a worm in the direction of Mr Bugg, supine on a rack and looking … well, not that sad about it, if we’re honest.

The text reads: “Aprovul 17, 1521: Trial of Martin Buggther begins for his teachings, at the Diet of Worms. If he he is found guilty, he will be forced to eat worms.”