giant steps are what you take

walking on the moon  [click to embiggen]

How exciting that must have been!


bugglantis [click to embiggen]

Hands up everyone who’s bummed that the shuttle program was discontinued.

Yeah, me too.

houston, we’ve had a problem

buggpollo 13 [click to embiggen]

Mr and Mrs Bugg look so cheerful, all waving out the porthole like that. I’m guessing the redshirt bugg we can’t see hasn’t stirred the tanks yet.

live from the moon

ranger [click to embiggen]

You guys, the little arms holding the television camera? ARE KILLING ME. To say nothing of the antennae or the bow.

Seriously. Dead from cute.


spacewalk [click to embiggen]

Man, those early buggmonauts and astrobuggs were crazy-brave. I can’t even IMAGINE how scary that must have been.


shuttle [click to embiggen]

Those were some brave buggs, let me just tell you what.


They are too small to be sure, but let’s assume that Mr and Mrs Bugg are piloting the shuttle, while two other buggs are piloting the 747, onto which the shuttle has been affixed. Both sets of buggs are peering out the windows. I wonder what’s going through their heads.

The text reads: “Febuggary 18, 1977: The first Space Shuttle, Enterbugg, is flight tested on top of a Boeugging 747.”


life on mars

buggveyor [click to embiggen]

That reminds me, I never finished either series. We’ve probably got the vinyl, though.


Mr and Mrs bugg are standing on either side of gigantic television, their arms raised to the heavens in triumph. On the screen, the Mars Buggbveyor rover, an antennae’d vehicle bristling with probes and cameras, rolls along the Martian surface.

The text reads: “Decembugg 6, 2006: BuggASA reveals photos from the Mars Global Buggveyor suggesting water on Mars.”


the right stuff, again


I am totally not trying to explain this joke — especially since the link to the original joke is broken.

That said : well done, BASA!


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand to one side of a rocket launch pad. The tower is still connected to the rocket, a huge affair with BASA written down the side, and an antennae’d capsule on top. You can just about make out the face of the astrobugg in the window of the capsule.

The text reads: “Novembug 14, 1969: BASA launches Apolbug 12, the second Bugg mission to the moon without calling for help.”


the right stuff


Apparently even the continents have antennae in the buggs’ world.

I’m kind of ok with this.


Mr and Mrs Bugg peer from the porthole of a small, spherical, antennae’d space capsule, their arms raised in triumph. Below them, hurtling by at quite a speed, lie the continents of Earth, all squozed together. They, too, have antennae, because reasons.

The text reads: “Novembug 11, 1966: BASA launches the Gemibug II.”


these are the planets that are closest to me

alpha centauri buggb

But will it support Buggs?!


Mr Bugg dances with joy in the background as Mrs Bugg, her eye to the eyepiece of a monstrous telescope, discovers a strange new planet, complete with antenna.

The text reads: “Buggtober 16, 2012: The Extra Solar Planet Alpha Centauri Buggb is discovered.”




I hope the Buggs’ expressions are of excitement and not fear. Perhaps they should stand farther away from the rocket?


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand quite near a rocket, hands over their ears and expressions of … terror? … on their faces. The rocket, adorned with antennae and the BASA logo, is about to blast off from the pad.

The text reads: “Bugust 20, 1975: Bugking Program: BASA launches the Bugking 1 planetary probe.”




It always upset me that the dogs never survived similar Soviet tests; I can only hope the Bugviet space program was kinder to its tofubeasts.


A spherical space capsule, sporting antennae, a huge round porthole, and a nice rendition of the hammer and buggsickle logo, zooms away from earth. Through the porthole, two tofubeasts are visible, prancing happily, because they’re in space.

The text reads: “Bugust 19, 1960: Bugnik program: The Bugviets launch Bugnik 2, with 2 tofubeasts and assorted other bugg life forms.”




Mr Bugg is looking oddly happy to be discovering something that could wipe out all of buggkind.


Mr Bugg stands behind the eyepiece of telescope, arms raised in happy victory, while, quite close overhear, a huge asteroid with bow and antennae speeds along.

The text reads: “Bugust 13, 1898: Carl Bugstav discovers Eros 443, the first near asteroid to be found.”


but did they bring Steve?


I’m never going to even try to resist an Eddie Izzard reference. If you’re cool with that, we can be friends.


Mr and Mrs Bugg smile out of the porthole of a space capsule, with unfurled parachute above and antenna on the sides, just feet above the calm surface of the ocean.

The text reads: “Buggly 24, 1969: The Bugpollo 11 capsule splashes down after a successful trip to the moon.”


now they can trade space snacks

more buggs in space

I mean, we had space food bars. I can only imagine what semi-disgusting yet somehow appealing space food the Sovibuggs had.


Mr Bugg is in a space capsule whose docking collar is pointing at Mrs Bugg’s space capsule. Both capsules are rocking the antennae, and they are mere feet from the historic connection.

The text reads: “Buggly 17, 1975: Bugpollo and Soybuggs test. The first connection of Ameribugg and Sovibugg spacecrafts in space.”


to the moon


I love the little eyes poking over the main part of the capsule. I wonder if they were sad that they didn’t get to walk on the moon?


A bugg, wearing an antennae’d helmet against the lack of atmosphere but bizarrely lacking any other sort of protection from the vacuum of space, to say nothing of, oh, I don’t know, an oxygen tank or something, stands on the moon, having just planted a flag for buggkind. Small craters are visible in the foreground, while in the background, another bugg dances in the low gravity. A third bugg (Steve?) waits forlornly in the landing craft, which has antennae, as if there were any doubt.

The text reads: “Buggly 16, 1969: Buggollo 11, the first bugged mission to the moon is launched.”


space shuttle


I love the antennae, but what I really love is that the buggs have managed to pull off a space program at all. Hopefully, this was the last mission because they were created better spacecraft and not because their space program was shamefully de-funded.


Mr and Mrs Bugg smile gleefully from the cockpit of a space shuttle. The shuttle has antennae. Really, what more could you want?

The text reads: “Bugly 8, 2011: The Space Shuttle Buglantis is launched in final space shuttle mission.”


later it would inspire a videogame


I love how excited the Buggs get about science. It almost makes up for their sports thing.


Mrs Bugg gazes through the eyepiece of a large telescope, her arms raised in celebration, while behind her, arms also upraised, Mr Bugg dances. In the sky above them, an asteroid, with antennae, flies past.

The text reads: “Junebugg 20, 1990: Asteroid Buggreka is discovered.”