radio radio
And the internet would not be far behind!
Speaking from an age-of-the-universe point of view, of course.
Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on opposite shores of what looks to be quite a small body of water, although that is just for the sake of getting everyone in the shot. Each is standing next to a radio tower, with a transceiver in hand, either sazying something or listening to the other one say something.
The text reads: Decembugg 12, 1901: Gugliemo Bugconi receives the first transbuglantic radio signal.”
and no shock jocks, apparently
Although, really, it was the twenties. How shocking could they have been?
“We’ve got a girl in the studio … I can see her knees!”
Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands, standing in front of a broadcasting radio antenna. They have identical looks of bereft sadness, and their thought bubbles contain only a question mark, to indicate their complete lack of the idea for Dr Bugg.
The text reads : “Novembug 15, 1926: NBugC starts broadcasting. Sadly, they do not have Doctor Bugg.”
radio bugg one
Were they really thinking about Dr. Who already? Apparently the Bugg analog to the Beeb was.
Mr and Mrs Bugg are standing next to a huge, broadcasting radio antenna. They each have a hand in the air, one to their mouth in pensive contemplation, and a thought bubble: Mr Bugg is thinking of a police box with antennae, and Mrs Bugg is thinking of a bugg with a glowing hand tool.
The text reads: “Novembug 14, 1922: The Bugg Broadcasting Company (BBC) begins broadcasting in the United Buggdom.
war of the bugg worlds
Can you imagine how terrifying that must have been for those credulous buggs? Clearly cynicism was at a record low at that point.
Mr Bugg is holding a huge old microphone in one hand, reading from the script in his other hand. The microphone is connected to a large radio antenna, broadcasting his tale of terror to Mrs Bugg’s antennae’d radio. She has thrown her hands up in terror at what she is hearing, her eyes huge and her mouth a silent O of fright.
The text reads: “Bugtober 30, 1938: Bugson Welles broadcasts “War of the Bugg Worlds”, causing anxiety to buggs everywhere.”