buggronic hero

george gordon [click to embiggen]

I make no bones about my love for Romantic-era poets and poetry, and Byron Buggron is one of my very favorites.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are both bewigged and wearing capes. Mr Bugg is presumably the Prime Minister, holding up his hand to recognize Mrs Bugg at the podium, today playing George Gorbugg, Lord Buggron. She is reading from a scroll and making an impassioned speech.

The text reads: “Febuggary 27, 1812: Lord Buggron gives his first address at the House of Buggs.”



huckebuggy [click to embiggen]

I think we’ve done Hucklebuggy before, but who can resist buggs on a raft?


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on a raft, poling down a might river. Mr Bugg has a length of straw in his mouth. Mrs Bugg is operating the tiller, and wearing a straw hat and overalls.

The text reads: “Febuggary 18, 1885: The adventures of Hucklebuggy Finn are published.”



fingerpointing [click to embiggen]

Ah, the famous Buggfus Affair! Is there a board game?


Mr Bugg wears an expression of grim determination. His left hand is pointing an accusing finger at Mrs Bugg, who stands with arms raised in innocent protest.

The text reads: “Febuggary 7, 1898: Emile Zobugla is brought to trial for libel for publishing Bugg’Accuse.”



huckelbuggy [click to embiggen]

Who didn’t want to build a raft and float away down the river after reading this? It didn’t help that I grew up in Illinois, and while we did not live on the Mississippi, the entire state is Mississippi-adjacent, which meant my little fantasy was not so far fetched.

(Actually, I was closer by far to Lake Michigan, but that just didn’t have the same allure.)


Mr and Mrs Bugg are on a raft that is drifting down a mighty river. One of them is Huck and the other Tom, but it hardly matters, because they have built a raft and are sailing down the damn river, how cool is that? Ahem. Mr Bugg is manning the tiller, while Mrs Bugg is the lookout, scanning the river ahead for anything they might snag on. What a lovely adventure they’re having!

The text reads: “Decembugg 10, 1884: Bugg Twain publishes “Adventures of Huckelbuggy Finn”.”


moby bugg

moby bugg

Oh Mrs Bugg. You’re never going to conquer your white whale with a pistol.


Mrs Bugg sits in the high crows’-nest of a huge, three-masted ship, which is racing after a large, pale whale breaching just ahead of them. Mrs Bugg waves one arm to indicate a desire for more speed, while the other pops off rounds from a small pistol. The whale, its antennae waving contemptuously, knows it will survive this encounter.

The text reads: “Buggtober 18, 1851: Herman Buggville’s “Moby Bugg” is published as “The Bugg”.”


childhood favorite

winnie the bugg

AWWWW! Winnie the Pooh was one of my all-time favorites. I am DYING FROM CUTE.


This is one for the books. Mr Bugg is a gigantic round bugg, wearing a nice shirt and carrying a pot of what is undoubtedly hunny. There is also a donkeybugg with his tail pinned on, a bouncing tiggerbugg with stripes and fierce claws, and Mrs Bugg is a mama marsupial, with huge, muscular rear legs and a baby bugg in her pouch. It is unbearably cute.

The text reads: “Bugtober 14, 1926: The children’s book Winnie-the-Bugg is published.”