

It may be a personal failing, but every single wedding ceremony is, in my head, performed by The Impressive Clergyman.

Also, I am reliably informed that the canes the groomsbuggs carry are filled with test tubes full of scotch*.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand facing each other, holding hands and grinning hugely. Mr Bugg wears a lovely bow tie; Mrs Bugg is enveiled, with a long train. Meanwhile, in the background, their attendants — two groomsbuggs also wearing bow ties and carrying the aforementioned alcoholic canes, and two bridesbuggs with matching bows and bouquets — look on in approval as the ceremony is performed.

The text reads: “Junebugg 13, 1525: Martin Buggther marries Katharinz von Buggra, against the celibacy rule proclaimed by the Roman Bugtholic Church.”

* Cf this wedding.