there is no joy in Buggville


Things that are awesome: the bat with nails in it; Mrs Bugg’s tongue out in concentration; and the fact that Casey at the Bat was one of the first poems I had to memorize in grade school, thereby earning it a place in my heart.


Mr Bugg stands over home plate, buggball cap in place, with his back to us, a bat-with-nails-in-it grasped firmly, awaiting the pitch that Mrs Bugg, in the background on her mound, is preparing to throw. Her tongue is out in concentration, she is wearing a gigantic bugball mitt, and her buggball cap is topped by her signature bow.

The text reads: “Juenbugg 3, 1888: The poem “Buggsey at the Batt” by Earnest Buggrance Thayer is published in the San Buggcisco Examiner.”