diet of buggs

diet of buggs

Look, you can point to the actual historical reference of this drawing all you want, but you mention “diet” and “buggs” in the same sentence, and that can only mean Sir Terry Pratchett, forever and ever, amen.


Mrs Bugg, wearing a bow-topped empress-hat and carrying an ankh-inscribed sceptre, stands smiling and waiting for the line of buggs to approach her with a scroll. Nothing in the way of smiting, tickling or anything untoward at all seems to be taking place, which is … weird.

The text reads: “Junebugg 25, 1530: At the Diet of AugsBugg, the Augsbugg Confession is presented to the Holy Robuggian Emperor by the Luthbugg princess and Electors of Bugmany.

No one was tortured or fed worms.”