dance of the sugarplum buggs

buggcracker [click to embiggen]

If I love anything more than Mrs Bugg’s outfit, it’s Mr Bugg’s expression of joy.


Mr Bugg is an adorable ballerina: He is wearing pointe shoes and a poofy tulle skirt, one leg raised in a balletic movement, his arms curving above his head in accepted fifth-position fashion. Mrs Bugg is a buggcracker, wearing a military uniform, her tall hat emblazoned with the symbol of her regiment, the Reliquarians. She is standing very stiffly. We cannot see if her head is hinged to allow it to expand enough to fit a bugg in her mouth, but I feel is is a safe assumption that it is.

The text reads: “Decembugg 18, 1892: Premier performance of The Buggcracker in Stain Buggberg.”