probably not a candy heart tho

general relativity

They trade off who gets to cosplay Einstein because the wig is the business.

crime lab

origin of the species

“demon core” sounds like a boss mob

buggsonian institute


special relativity

live long and make rubber more resilient




for science

for science [click to embiggen]


go forth, young buggle

go forth young buggle [click to embiggen]

Hey, check it out — for once, Mrs Bugg is not playing the part of the ship’s figurehead! I’m guessing she called dibs on the beard.

approach path

approach path [click to embiggen]

Apparently all telescope work now requires buttcrack. Oh, Buggs.

general theory of all the things

all the things [click to embiggen]

I was hoping for a more specific theory, but I guess this is a good starting point.

buggison effect

buggison effect [click to embiggen]

It’s ok, Mrs Bugg. I don’t know what it means, either.