buggs are doing it for themselves

diy cosplay [click to embiggen]

Sewing, that is, and at lightning speeds! Why, you could whip together outfits for an entire herd of Stormtroopers in the time it would have taken you to make one Ewok suit before!

boredom is the mother of invention

mother of invention [click to embiggen]

I can’t wait to see what comes of this day of profitable boredom!

a worthy achievement

cosplay [click to embiggen]

Cosplay is the cornerstone of awesome.


inventive [click to embiggen]

I hope I get to see it when it’s done! Anything whose creation involves Erlenmeyer flasks and welding has got to be cool, right?


tradeskills  [click to embiggen]

Not gonna lie: Tradeskills were some of my favorite parts of Everquest I and II, as well as Skyrim. Makin’ shit is awesome, and I understand the buggs’ love for it.

mad hatter

improved hattery [click to embiggen]

She wasn’t mad, but really, what a seemingly bizarre patent. Although it sounds like she single-handedly rescued the hat industry in New Buggland, so go her.

arts and crafts

knitting [click to embiggen]

Oooh, a thing? For me? I cannot wait!


Mr and Mrs Bugg are each holding a knitting needle above their heads. Yarn is going from a ball to the needles, and down to a knitted thing. They both have their tongues out in concentration, to better make the thing. And it’s working — that there is clearly a thing.

The text reads: “The buggs are knitting you a thing.”