
mountain [click to embiggen]

Yeah, this shit’s from February. I am never gonna catch up, y’all.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are roped together, climbing up a mountain. Mrs Bugg is in the lead, holding onto the handle of the pickaxe she’s using to assist their climb, while Mr Bugg is waving happily.

The text reads: “The buggs decided to climb the mountain you have a view of. Then if you get sad you can look at the mountain and know they have set up surveillance there to watch you … in 3D.”



SWAK [click to embiggen]

With a kiss? Or with spit?


Mr Bugg is dressed as a postman, which in this case means he’s wearing a messenger bag and holding a letter, across whose flap the word “SWAK” is visible. Mrs Bugg has one hand on her hip, the other in the air, as if to say “Well, I’ll be damned!” Her expression is one of astonishment.

The text reads: “Febuggary 20, 1792: The Postal Service Act is signed by President Buggeorge Washington creating the Post Office, allowing buggs to send mash notes with SWAK on them.”


missing her

tofubeast [click to embiggen]

I don’t remember what prompted this, but we’re six months on from this drawing and I still badly miss our Freya-boo.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands and waving, and they are wearing black armbands to indicate that they are still in mourning.

The text reads: “The Buggs miss Freya, too … but they always remember so many good things about her … other than she wouldn’t let them ride her.”


helpful notes, part two

WOOT [click to embiggen]

Y’know, bad day or good day, both sides of this note would make me smile.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are leaping joyously into the air. Mrs Bugg is clicking her booted heels.

The text reads: “WOOT”


miss you miss

missing you [click to embiggen]

Where the hell was I? Wish I could remember.

On the plus side, I guess I’m back, so yay?


Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands, smiling and waving. They appear quite pleased.

The text reads: “The buggs missed you this weekend and are happy you are back.”


sort of bethlehem-lite

bethlehem-ish [click to embiggen]

You guys, the only things I know about being a messiah I learned from Christopher Moore, and I’m afraid I do not know kung fu. I really hope I don’t screw this up.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on either side of a swaddled bundle of what is presumably a baby, a halo floating above its head, all aglow. They are smiling hugely.

The text reads: “Febuggary 3, 1809: Illinois Territory is created … even though she isn’t born yet, the Buggs know this will be the birth place of their Messiah.”


hold me over

hold me over [click to embiggen]

I love any and all buggs I get, even the simple ones.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands, smiling and waving. They are simple buggs because Loki was feeling under the weather, and therefore lacked the energy for a bigger effort.

The text reads: “Hand holding buggs to hold you over.”



kissing [click to embiggen]

Fun fact: Loki’s and my first kiss, lo these many years ago, was upon a lifeguard tower at Corona Del Mar — the bit facing Newport Harbor — in a cove that was used to film bits of Gilligan’s Island.

Weird fact: Several years earlier, on a whale watch boat that sailed from Newport, I took a picture of the very lifeguard tower. SPOOKY.

Anyway. There was a girl obstinately reading on the tower the day we were there, and I refused to let Loki and/or Doug roust her so we could re-enact the moment.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are sitting atop a lifeguard tower. Their arms are around each other and they are kissing enthusiastically. A flag flutters from the lifeguard tower as the ocean ripples in the background.

The text reads: “Buggs kissing on a lifeguard tower. As it should be.”


not nothing

something [click to embiggen]

That’s not nothing. I make no secret of my love for hand-holding buggs.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are smiling, holding hands and waving.

The text reads: “We got nothing today except buggs holding hands.”


happy buggs are happy

happy [click to embiggen]

No reason is required.


The Buggs are holding hands and smiling. Mr Bugg’s free hand is over his heart, while Mrs Bugg’s free hand is pressed to her lips.

The text reads: “Just happy buggs … cuz … just cuz.”


grand theft birthday present

grand theft birthday present [click to embiggen]

Basically, any excuse to go raiding, is what happened here.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on either side of a huge pile of gift-wrapped presents. They are each holding one in the air, smiling hugely.

The text reads: “Then they went out and liberated things for you anyway.”


gift wrapped

gift wrapped [click to embiggen]

Awww, thank you, Buggs!


The Buggs have each wrapped themselves around the middle with a wide, festive ribbon, which is tied into a bow at their waists. They are both smiling and raising their arms in delight.

The text reads: “The Buggs didn’t know what to steal for you for your birthday, so they wrapped themselves as presents.”


excellent plan

kissing [click to embiggen]

I think this sounds like a stellar way to spend time!


Mr and Mrs Bugg are facing each other, holding hands, their lips puckered. They are about to go in for a kiss.

The text reads: “Nothing happened in Bugg history, so the buggs thought they would kiss a lot.”


back to basics

just buggs [click to embiggen]

I know Mrs Bugg’s probably just tilting her head to lean in towards Mr Bugg, but I’m not gonna lie — my first thought was “Oh, no, I hope she’s not having a stroke!”

Look, shut up. I’m a worrier, ok?


The Buggs are holding hands, smiling and waving. Mrs Bugg is totally not having a stroke, swear to gods.

The text reads: “Just Buggs.”


but that *IS* good

with me [click to embiggen]

Because a day without buggs is like a day without sunshine … and I live in the desert; I know from sunshine, y’all.


The Buggs are smiling happily and waving with both arms.

The text reads: “Decembugg 24, 2013: Nothing good happened except the Buggs got to be here with you.”


old friends

old bffs [click to embiggen]

Because one always wants one’s loved ones to love one another, am I right?


Mr Bugg is standing next to a table filled with girl buggs: Mrs Bugg and two other buggs, all talking away, smiling and gesturing. Mr Bugg looks a little shocked.

The text reads: “Mr Bugg is very happy his old friends loved Mrs Bugg … and she loved them, too.”


twooo wuv

AWWWW [click to embiggen]

YOU GUYS. How adorable is that? I am dead from cute.


Mrs Bugg is down on one knee in front of Mr Bugg, who has a hand to his mouth in utter and complete shock, and this is because Mrs Bugg is holding out to him a sparkly ring in a ring box.

The text reads: “Decembugg 16, 2013: The buggs decide to renew their vows.”


who would dare try?

can't stop me now [click to embiggen]

I honestly don’t think anyone wants the buggs to stop being the buggs. I mean, how crazy is that?

Pretty damn crazy, let me just tell you what.


It is the standard Mr and Mrs Bugg holding hands, smiling and waving at us.

The text reads: Just Buggs … alone being buggs without anyone stopping them!!!”


so they’re detachable?

detachable [click to embiggen]

Wonder why they had to cut off the others, then? Weird.


Mr and Mrs Bugg are holding hands and leaning the bald tops of their heads together. They are smiling hugely. In their other hands they are holding their antennae.

The text reads: “The buggs have learned to take off the antennae before leaning in.”


square or half-hitch?

knots [click to embiggen]

Aww, poor Buggs!


Mr and Mrs Bugg, now looking quite sad indeed, are still joined at the antennae, but now those antennae are knotted together most painfully. They each have an arm raised, signalling for help.

The text reads: “OOOOPS! The buggs are now knotted.”