solstice tree

solstice tree [click to embiggen]

I will never be able to figure out the Buggs’ actual size. Our tree is literally ten feet tall (maybe 11, I can’t remember), so the Buggs would be maybe 8 or 9 inches tall here? And sometimes they’re pictured as a mere couple of inches tall.



thanksbugging [click to embiggen]

My favorite food holiday! Possibly my favorite holiday of the year. The spreadsheets tend to start … well, any day now, if I’m honest.

oooh … ahhhh …

fourth  [click to embiggen]

I just want to go on record as saying I want jumping buggs with my fireworks display. Who do I talk to about that?

it’s beginning to look a lot like Buggmas

buggmas [click to embiggen]

Let’s put the Bugg back in Buggmas, ok? Reason for the season, people.

more scary tools

more tools [click to embiggen]

You guys, if you can think of gifts to make with those tools, I am ALL EARS.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on either side of a truly remarkable collection of items. They are once again rocking the spokesmodel pose as they suggest we use, following clockwise from the lower left: A torch and welder’s mask; a screwdriver; a stick of some description; hammer; a rollerskate? a chainsaw; an eggbeater; a two-man saw; and a forklift.

The text reads: “The buggs wanted to share ideas for tools that might help with solstice presents.”


the final official word on thanksbugging

official official thanksbugging [click to embiggen]

Until people started arguing about the menu, that is.

Sage and onion stuffing all the way!


Mr Bugg is holding a platter full of tofurkbugg out to Mrs Bugg who is rocking the full-on Abuggham Lincoln: black vest and trousers, funky beard and of course the stovepipe hat … which has a bow, of course.

The text reads: “Novembug 26, 1963: Abuggham Lincoln proclaims the final Thursbugg of Novembug to be Thanksbugging.”


the official thanksbugging

thanksbugging for real [click to embiggen]

Before that, were people just unofficially thankful? I have questions.


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on either side of a large table, which is groaning under the weight of a tofurkbugg nearly as big as the table. Mr Bugg is waving a flag (the Bugg and Stripes), while Mrs Bugg just has her arms raised in … I dunno … shock at the size of the tofurkbugg? Let’s go with that.

The text reads: “Novembug 26, 1789: A national day of thanksbugging is observed in the United Buggs.”


tool time

tool time

OK, I want to get a Bugg gift that required a wrecking ball. Or a bunsen burner!


Mr and Mrs Bugg stand on opposite sides, arms extended in approved spokesmodel fashion. Between them is an insane assortment of tools and equipment: an axe, a corkscrew, a bunsen burner, a wrench, a jackhammer and a crane with an antennae’d wrecking ball.

The text reads: “More possible tools to assemble solstice presents.”


holiday preppers


Honestly, we’d be way better off if we actually started prepping this early. I mean, we get the tree up the day after Thanksgiving, but that is the extent of our preparedness. Gifts and other decorations tend to happen in a last-minute scramble, if at all.


Mr Bugg pulls a little wagon full of decorations: a fearsome jack-o-lantern and a branch of evergreen, flanking a sailboat and the creepiest doll I’ve ever seen. Or possibly an owl? I just do not wish to look too closely. Meanwhile, Mrs Bugg is rocking a leather apron and welder’s mask as she stands at t’forge, hammering the shit out of something sitting on the anvil. She has obviously just pulled it from the roaring fire before her. Preparations are well underway, Chez Bugg.

The text reads: “The buggs are prepping for halloween and solstice.”